In Veles, North Macedonia, 4/3/2023. a meeting of partners was held within the Pick one leave none project.

The main topic of this meeting was the final definition of three variants of the tool kit that will be tested on the trails and the preparation of a questionnaire for mountains that will provide information on their applicability in the field. The meeting was attended by representatives of all project partners.

At the meeting, the definition of the preparatory activities that must be carried out in order to successfully implement the experiments in which the principles of simple and safe waste collection on mountain trails in all four countries will be implemented, were devised.

Three sets have been confirmed to be field tested:

  • Set 1: Nothing needed or just a classic plastic bag (mountaineers simply collect waste and put it in their backpacks or plastic bags that they usually always have with them)
  • Set 2: A textile bag and a metal box with a lid (a bag for all types of solid waste, whereby it would be made from already used textiles – reuse, while the box would be used for cigarettes, which, based on the analysis, are found in significant numbers on the track)
  • Set 3: Disinfectant, a textile bag and a metal box (the same set as the previous one, with the exception that hikers would be able to disinfect their hands after collecting waste).

Also, at the meeting, questions were defined for collecting information about the practical applicability of each set on the ground through the Questionnaire for Mountaineers.

In the second part of the meeting, positions were agreed on regarding the preparation of locations for placing information boards and bins in all 4 states.

On the second day, the host KPS Azot organized a hiking tour on one of the trails located at the Mokra planina (Jakupica) location.

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