An important segment of the life cycle of any project is promotion and dissemination. These activities allow the general public to learn about project activities, results and achievements. For the entire duration of the PICK ONE LEAVE NONE project, members of the project team promoted the project at various events related to outdoor sports. With this type of promotion, we provided an opportunity for end users to get first-hand relevant information about the project’s values, as well as to get answers to all questions and clear up doubts. In practice, it has been shown that this type of promotion is extremely effective, precisely because of the possibility of interaction and direct communication.

Promotion of the PICK ONE LEAVE NONE project was carried out at different events, in different countries, and all of them have in common that they are dedicated to the outdoor population. Here you can see details about some of the events where members of our project team promoted the PICK ONE LEAVE NONE principle.


15/11/2022 Nuragus, Sardinia, Italy – within the Reconnecting with nature project, a youth exchange-sustainability session was held, an event in which 28 young people from Serbia, the Czech Republic, Romania and Italy participated. As part of the promotion, a theoretical and practical session was held.


11/12/2022 Belgrade, Serbia – in the Sumice sports center, the annual awards ceremony of the Mountaineering Association of Serbia was held, attended by over 190 delegates from mountaineering clubs from Serbia. Within this event, the basic ideas of the project were presented to the participants.


18/2/2023 Skopje, North Macedonia – as part of the Kick off meeting of the GTOF project, a presentation of the PICK ONE LEAVE NONE project was held for 12 members of the project team from Serbia, North Macedonia and Slovenia.


25/02/2023 Belgrade – At the Belgrade tourism fair, at the stand of the tourist organization of the Western Serbia region, that is, the tourist organization “Tara-Drina” Bajina Bašta, an all-day promotion of the project was held with a rollup banner, distribution of promotional brochures and leaflets. A large number of visitors who are interested in the tourism of this region had their first contact with the PICK ONE LEAVE NONE project.


11/3/2023 Velika Plana, Serbia – presentations of the P1L0 project were held within the General Assembly of MAS. The General Assembly was attended by over 250 delegates, representatives of mountaineering clubs from all over Serbia.


25/5/2023 Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina – the presentation of the project was made as part of the Kick-off meeting of the VIA Dinarica project. The meeting was attended by 45 people, representatives of national institutions, cities and municipalities, protected areas of the outdoor community from Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina.


7/4/2023 Bajina Basta, Rastiste, Serbia – Local Youth Office organized a camp in nature for 35 high school students aged 15 to 19. As part of the activities at the camp, the presentation of the project was carried out as well as practical application in the field.


15/11/2023 Munich, Villach, Germany – The presentation of the P1L0 project was held at the Final Conference of SEE project. Over 100 delegates from Serbia, Germany, Sweden, Romania, Ireland, Spain, France, Portugal, Holland, Italy, Czech Republic, Croatia and Great Britain were present at the conference.


11/2/2024 Veles, Sirkovo, North Macedonia – A local mountaineering event was organized, during which project presentations and practical application on the ground were carried out. About 40 mountaineers from North Macedonia attended the event.


18/2/2024 Srebrenik, Bosnia and Herzegovina – as part of the traditional national hiking event “Dani povelje 2024.” a presentation of the PICK ONE LEAVE NONE project was held, as well as a practical application in the field for a large number of volunteers. This event was attended by over 1400 participants from Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Croatia.


10/3/2024 Inđija, Serbia – presentations of the P1L0 project were held within the General Assembly of MAS. The General Assembly was attended by over 250 delegates, representatives of mountaineering clubs from all over Serbia.


11/3/2024 Medvednica, Croatia – A local mountaineering event was organized, during which project presentations and practical application on the ground were carried out. About 30 mountaineers from North Macedonia attended the event.


6/4/2024 Belgrade, Serbia – within the framework of the Beo hiking fest, the promotion of the project was held with the distribution of project brochures and leaflets. This event lasted 2 days and gathered over 1700 participants from Serbia.


12/4/2024 Nitra, Slovakia – as part of the implementation of the TRAILS project, a walking tour was organized for 12 members of the project team from Slovakia, Serbia and Austria, during which a presentation of the project with practical application in the field was made.

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